Before I have been in Cinqueterre, I heard a couple of times by people that was one of the destination spots in Italy. But during my stay in Italy, I have never heard by any Italian about this touristic spot for visiting. Then asking locals I’ve got information that Cinqueterre is more popular out of Italy. (more…)
Tag: italian food

The secrets of LONG life
Italy is the country where people live the longest after Japan (the average age is 86) with the life expectancy at age 85. Actually you don’t need any statistics to understand the reality, you just have to look around on the street. You can see people in theır eighties and nineties jumping around, going shopping, riding bicycles or meeting friends and having some wine. As I emerged from the cultural shock, I observed and understood deeper of life style and relatedly about long-healthy life.
What is the secret of long life?

Eating For Living VS Italian Food
I don’t know about others, but I used to be a person who ate for living and I was happy with that. I never ate too much or searched for food in my life. Often I forgot to have dinner and remembered when I was already in bed muttering to myself “Oh shit I forgot to have dinner”. Yes, it is possible and this happened many times to me. Of course living alone and not having the responsibility to cook for anyone doesn’t make your eating style better. (more…)

Pumpkin Festival in Italy
As a person coming from a muslim country, it was the first time for me to see a Pumpkin Festival. I was so happy and excited for that. Yayy! Believe me or not but also one of my dreams was spending Christmas or Thanks-giving (for me not so different) with local people. Imagine how I was desperate. Lol. No worries! I already spent my Christmas with locals last year. Still eating turkey is pending, but it is okay. I watched a lot of American movies. Well, Halloween could be the other important event to be spent with locals. Local means for me, people who celebrate an event by their own culture. (more…)
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